20 Multiple Choice Space Questions And Answers

Are you a space enthusiast? Are you looking for a fun and entertaining way to test your knowledge on the vastness of space? Then you’ve come to the right place!

This page is filled with 20 multiple choice questions and answers about space and astronomy. The difficulty of the quiz is mixed, so it’s perfect for anyone who wants to challenge themselves, no matter their level of knowledge. From the mysteries of the universe to the science of space exploration, this quiz has it all!

So, are you ready to test your skills and knowledge? Get your thinking caps on and let’s get started!

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  1. ISON is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Galaxy
    • Constellation
    • Asteroid
    • Comet
    The correct answer is Comet.
    ISON is a short-period comet, meaning it orbits the Sun in a relatively short amount of time, usually around 200 years.
  2. Pollux is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Constellation
    • Satellite
    • Galaxy
    • A Star
    The correct answer is A Star.
    Pollux is an orange-hued giant star located in the constellation of Gemini. It is the brightest star in the constellation and is one of the brightest stars in the night sky.
  3. Palma is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Satellite
    • Moon
    • Galaxy
    • Asteroid
    The correct answer is Asteroid.
    Palma is a small celestial body composed of rock and metal that orbits the sun.
  4. Eunomia is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Galaxy
    • Satellite
    • Moon
    • Asteroid
    The correct answer is Asteroid.
    Eunomia is a large main-belt asteroid that orbits the Sun between Mars and Jupiter.

  1. C/2007 N3 (Lulin) is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Asteroid
    • Galaxy
    • Constellation
    • Comet
    The correct answer is Comet.
    C/2007 N3 (Lulin) is an icy object composed of dust and ice particles that orbits the Sun in an elliptical path. As it approaches the Sun, the ice melts and creates a visible tail of gas and dust.
  2. Europa is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Galaxy
    • Moon
    • Satellite
    • Asteroid
    The correct answer is Asteroid.
    Europa is a small, rocky body in the Solar System that orbits the Sun, classified as an asteroid.
  3. Irmina is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Moon
    • Asteroid
    • Satellite
    • Galaxy
    The correct answer is Asteroid.
    Irmina is an asteroid, a rocky body orbiting the sun and classified as a minor planet.
  4. Lachesis is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Galaxy
    • Satellite
    • Asteroid
    • Moon
    The correct answer is Asteroid.
    Lachesis is a small rocky body that orbits the sun and is classified as an asteroid.
  5. C/2010 U3 (Boattini) is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Galaxy
    • Asteroid
    • Constellation
    • Comet
    The correct answer is Comet.
    C/2010 U3 (Boattini) is an icy, small body that orbits the Sun and has a coma, or atmosphere, that is visible from Earth. It is a type of celestial object known as a comet.
  6. Small Magellanic Cloud is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Galaxy
    • Moon
    • Supernova
    • Comet
    The correct answer is Galaxy.
    The Small Magellanic Cloud is a dwarf galaxy located in the southern sky, approximately 200,000 light-years from Earth.
Reveal Answers 1 To 10
  1. Betelgeuse is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Constellation
    • Galaxy
    • A Star
    • Satellite
    The correct answer is A Star.
    Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star located in the constellation Orion. It is one of the brightest stars in the night sky and is easily visible to the naked eye.
  2. Aldebaran is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • A Star
    • Constellation
    • Galaxy
    • Satellite
    The correct answer is A Star.
    Aldebaran is a bright, red giant star located in the constellation of Taurus.
  3. Hoag’s Object is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Galaxy
    • Supernova
    • Comet
    • Moon
    The correct answer is Galaxy.
    Hoag’s Object is an unusual type of galaxy characterized by a bright, round core surrounded by two concentric rings of stars.
  4. Sunflower is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Moon
    • Galaxy
    • Supernova
    • Comet
    The correct answer is Galaxy.
    A sunflower is a type of galaxy, named for its shape which resembles the flower of the same name. It is a spiral galaxy, characterized by its bright nucleus, tightly wound spiral arms and a diffuse outer halo.

  1. Shoemaker-Levy 9 is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Asteroid
    • Galaxy
    • Constellation
    • Comet
    The correct answer is Comet.
    Shoemaker-Levy 9 is a comet, which is a small celestial body made up of dust and ice that orbits the Sun.
  2. Altair is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Galaxy
    • Constellation
    • Satellite
    • A Star
    The correct answer is A Star.
    Altair is a bright, white star located in the constellation Aquila. It is the brightest star in the constellation and one of the brightest stars in the night sky.
  3. Capella is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • A Star
    • Galaxy
    • Satellite
    • Constellation
    The correct answer is A Star.
    Capella is a bright yellow-white giant star located in the constellation Auriga. It is the sixth brightest star in the night sky, and is visible to the naked eye.
  4. Sombrero is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Galaxy
    • Moon
    • Comet
    • Supernova
    The correct answer is Galaxy.
    A sombrero is a type of celestial object that is a large, flat disk of stars and gas, similar in shape to a wide-brimmed hat.
  5. Cigar is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Supernova
    • Moon
    • Galaxy
    • Comet
    The correct answer is Galaxy.
    A cigar is a type of celestial object that is a large collection of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity.
  1. Hale-Bopp is a named celestial object of what sort?
    • Comet
    • Asteroid
    • Galaxy
    • Constellation
    The correct answer is Comet.
    Hale-Bopp is an icy, dusty object that orbits around the Sun. It is made up of a nucleus, a coma, and a tail, and is classified as a comet.
Reveal Answers 11 To 20

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