50 Multiple Choice Questions On English Language

Calling all English enthusiasts! Do you love the language and all the possibilities it offers? Are you ready to put your knowledge to the test? Then you’re in the right place!

We have created a quiz to test your English language skills. This quiz contains 50 multiple choice questions, ranging from beginner to advanced topics. We have included questions about grammar, punctuation, spelling, literature, and more.

This is the perfect quiz for those who want to challenge their understanding of the English language. So, what are you waiting for? Get ready to put your English language skills to the test!

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    Questions On English Language: Round 1

  1. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • level
    • storage
    • beet
    • beastie
    Level is the noun.
    Level is a word that describes a position, height, or degree of intensity or difficulty.
  2. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • parsley
    • adrenaline
    • parenting
    • unimaginable
    Unimaginable is the noun.
    Unimaginable is a word that describes something that is too difficult or impossible to imagine.
  3. Elttil is the reverse spelling of which word?
    • little
    • cattle
    • glass
    • become
    The correct answer is little. Did you get it right?
    Elttil is a reverse spelling of the word little, which is an adjective used to describe something small in size or quantity.
  4. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • density
    • parchment
    • nippy
    • adrenaline
    Nippy is the noun.
    Nippy is a word that describes a feeling of coldness or briskness in the air.
  5. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • address
    • woodchuck
    • unincorporated
    • store
    Unincorporated is the noun.
    Unincorporated is a word that refers to a business or organization that is not legally recognized as a separate entity from its owners.
  6. Which one of the following words is the odd man out?
    • knot
    • descent
    • tone
    • predictable
    Predictable – all the rest are nouns.
    Predictable is an adjective, describing a quality of something that can be anticipated.
  7. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • sharpened
    • beer
    • bear
    • depot
    Sharpened is the noun.
    Sharpened is a word that describes an object that has been made pointed or pointed out.
  8. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • boiling
    • advent
    • bee
    • grouse
    Boiling is the noun.
    It is a process of heating a liquid to its boiling point, the temperature at which it begins to turn into a gas.
  9. Which is the correct spelling?
    • karbohydrates
    • krbhdrts
    • carbohdyrates
    • carbohydrates
    Carbohydrates is the correct spelling.
    Carbohydrates are a type of macronutrient found in many foods that provide energy to the body.

  1. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • knock
    • admin
    • unhesitating
    • mattock
    Unhesitating is the noun.
    Unhesitating is an adjective that describes an action that is done without hesitation or delay.
Reveal Answers 1 To 10

    Questions On English Language: Round 2

  1. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • invader
    • energy
    • caution
    • shattered
    Shattered is the noun.
    Shattered is a word that describes something that has been broken into many pieces.
  2. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • purified
    • deposit
    • hexagon
    • veteran
    Purified is the noun.
    Purified is a word that refers to something that has been made clean or free from impurities.
  3. Which is the correct spelling?
    • recommondation
    • rcmmndshn
    • recommandashun
    • recommendation
    Recommendation is the correct spelling.
    Recommendation is the spelling used when referring to a suggestion or advice given by someone.
  4. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • enactment
    • adulthood
    • finding
    • mini
    Mini is the noun.
    Mini is a word used to describe something that is small in size.
  5. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • parchment
    • enclave
    • outlandish
    • high-rise
    Outlandish is the noun.
    Outlandish is a word used to describe something that is strange or unusual.
  6. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • greens
    • affair
    • tolerant
    • fire
    Tolerant is the noun.
    Tolerant is a word used to describe someone who is accepting of others despite differences in opinions or beliefs.
  7. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • beef
    • instant
    • admin
    • destination
    Instant is the noun.
    Instant is a noun that refers to something that happens or occurs immediately or very quickly.
  8. Which one of the following words is the odd man out?
    • parsley
    • yew
    • unilateral
    • employer
    Unilatera – all the rest are nouns.
    Unilateral is an adjective, describing something that is done or decided by only one side or person.
  9. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • encounter
    • deploring
    • depressive
    • tool
    Deploring is the noun.
    Deploring is an action that expresses strong disapproval or disappointment.

  1. Which is the correct spelling?
    • antidipressants
    • antidepressent
    • antidepressants
    • antidepresssants
    Antidepressants is the correct spelling.
    Antidepressants is the correct spelling for medications used to treat depression and other mental health issues.
Reveal Answers 11 To 20

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    Questions On English Language: Round 3

  1. Can you solve the word “_re__” with missing letters?
    • break
    • chief
    • plural
    • sight
    The correct answer is break.
    The missing letters in the word are “br” so the complete word is “break”, which means to separate into pieces or to interrupt something.
  2. Which is the correct spelling?
    • calculator
    • calculatoare
    • kalculater
    • calculater
    Calculator is the correct spelling.
    Calculator is the correct spelling of the word, referring to an electronic device used for performing mathematical calculations.
  3. Which Victorian era word means “not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something”?
    • Bumfuzzle
    • Incongruous
    • Expostulate
    • Indefatigable
    The correct answer is “incongruous”.
    Incongruous refers to something that is out of place or does not fit in with the rest of the environment or context.
  4. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • parallelogram
    • fireman
    • advance
    • preferable
    Preferable is the noun.
    Preferable is a word that is used to describe something that is more desirable or preferable to another option.
  1. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • desk
    • flooded
    • cement
    • measure
    Flooded is the noun.
    Flooded is a past tense verb that describes an event of being filled with a large amount of water.
  2. Which is the correct spelling?
    • sensationalsm
    • cessationalism
    • sensashunalizm
    • sensationalism
    Sensationalism is the correct spelling.
    Sensationalism is the practice of emphasizing news stories or topics in order to create public interest or excitement.
  3. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • mate
    • cathedral
    • beck
    • blooming
    Blooming is the noun.
    Blooming is the process of producing flowers or a flowery display.
  4. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • cell
    • violet
    • advice
    • woodchuck
    Violet is the noun.
    Violet is a person, place, thing, or idea that can be identified and named.
  5. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • enclosure
    • assignable
    • employee
    • tone
    Assignable is the noun.
    Assignable is a word that describes something that can be given or delegated to someone else.

  1. Which one of the following words is the odd man out?
    • hesitation
    • vessel
    • store
    • shining
    Shining – all the rest are nouns.
    Shining is an adjective, describing a quality of something, while the other words are nouns, which are names of people, places, things, or ideas.
Reveal Answers 21 To 30

    Questions On English Language: Round 4

  1. Which one of the following words is the odd man out?
    • uninterested
    • stretch
    • structure
    • toothbrush
    Uninterested – all the rest are nouns.
    Uninterested is an adjective, describing a feeling of not being interested in something.
  2. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • adult
    • lethal
    • causeway
    • destiny
    Lethal is the noun.
    Lethal is a word used to describe something that is capable of causing death.
  3. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • astonishing
    • stress
    • woodwind
    • grid
    Astonishing is the noun.
    Astonishing is a word used to describe something that is extremely surprising or remarkable.
  4. Ylneddus is the reverse spelling of which word?
    • suddenly
    • compare
    • month
    • south
    The correct answer is suddenly. Did you get it right?
    Ylneddus is a reversed spelling of the word “suddenly,” which is used to describe something happening quickly and unexpectedly.
  5. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • toque
    • house
    • helicopter
    • leg
    House is the noun.
    House is a word that refers to a building, typically one that is used as a residence.
  6. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • group
    • overall
    • matrix
    • highland
    Overall is the noun.
    Overall is a common noun that refers to the entirety or total of something.
  7. Which one of the following words is the odd man out?
    • witness
    • despairing
    • topic
    • strawberry
    Despairing – all the rest are nouns.
    Despairing is an adjective, describing a feeling of hopelessness or despondency.
  8. Which one of the following words is the odd man out?
    • parliament
    • desk
    • pretend
    • tonight
    Pretend – all the rest are nouns.
    Pretend is an action verb, while the other words are nouns.
  9. Which is the correct spelling?
    • psychologically
    • psykolojikali
    • psychologicly
    • physcologically
    Psychologically is the correct spelling.
    Psychologically is the correct spelling of the word which refers to the mental or emotional states and processes of a person.

  1. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • grove
    • adrenaline
    • arguable
    • endoderm
    Arguable is the noun.
    Arguable is a word that describes something that can be debated or challenged.
Reveal Answers 31 To 40

    Questions On English Language: Round 5

  1. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • helmet
    • advocacy
    • revitalisation
    • shamefaced
    Shamefaced is the noun.
    Shamefaced is an adjective that describes a person who is embarrassed or ashamed and is trying to hide their face.
  2. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • mirthful
    • design
    • cello
    • invention
    Mirthful is the noun.
    Mirthful is an adjective describing a feeling of joy and happiness.
  3. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • blonde
    • mastoid
    • grouse
    • fireplace
    Blonde is the noun.
    Blonde is a word that refers to a person or animal with light-colored hair.
  4. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • beanie
    • meteoric
    • designation
    • straw
    Meteoric is the noun.
    Meteoric refers to something that is very fast or sudden, like a meteor that streaks across the sky.
  1. A series of connected links or rings, or to secure something with a chain – what am I?
    • Shop
    • Rock
    • Chain
    • Season
    The correct answer is “chain”.
    A chain is a series of connected links or rings that can be used to secure something or to form a strong connection.
  2. Can you solve the word “p_r_y” with missing letters?
    • personals
    • party
    • pampa
    • porphyrin
    The correct answer is party.
    Party is an event where people gather together to celebrate and have fun.
  3. What unusual word means “The emission of light by a hot object, often used to describe a dazzling brilliance or radiance”?
    • Xenization
    • Flâneur
    • Incandescence
    • Soliloquy
    The correct answer is “Incandescence”.
    Incandescence is the process of emitting light due to the heat generated by an object. It is often used to describe an object’s dazzling brilliance or radiance.
  4. Which one of the following words is a noun?
    • lead
    • guarantee
    • parenting
    • unintelligible
    Unintelligible is the noun.
    Unintelligible is an adjective that describes something that is not able to be understood, such as a sound or language.
  5. Which Victorian era word means “to reason or argue with someone”?
    • Whippersnapper
    • Expostulate
    • Forbearance
    • Evince
    The correct answer is “expostulate”.
    Expostulate means to reason or argue with someone in a forceful and passionate manner.

  1. Which one of the following words is the odd man out?
    • hepatitis
    • census
    • violent
    • ripple
    Violent – all the rest are nouns.
    Violent is an adjective, describing something that is characterized by force or aggression.
Reveal Answers 41 To 50

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