30 Victorian Era Words Trivia Questions And Answers

Welcome to our trivia quiz on 30 Victorian Era Words! The Victorian Era, which spanned from 1837 to 1901, was a time of significant cultural and technological change. It was also a period of extensive linguistic development, with numerous new words and phrases entering the English language.

In this quiz, we’ll test your knowledge of some of the most interesting and unusual words that emerged during this time. From “snollygoster” to “flibbertigibbet,” you’re sure to learn a thing or two about the language of this fascinating era.

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  1. Which Victorian era word means “a word or act expressing affection”?
    • Endearment
    • Fortitude
    • Discombobulate
    • Deference
    The correct answer is “endearment”.
    Endearment is an expression of love or affection, often spoken or written, that is used to show fondness for someone.
  2. Which Victorian era word means “to show or display”?
    • Breeches
    • Evince
    • Expostulate
    • Countenance
    The correct answer is “evince”.
    Evince means to demonstrate or express clearly, usually through one’s actions or words.
  3. Which Victorian era word means “delicate, light or airy”?
    • Fopdoodle
    • Impetuous
    • Fiddle-faddle
    • Ethereal
    The correct answer is “ethereal”.
    Ethereal refers to something that is light, airy and delicate, often described as having a heavenly quality.
  4. Which Victorian era word means “nonsense or foolish talk”?
    • Evince
    • Impetuous
    • Codswallop
    • Equanimity
    The correct answer is “codswallop”.
    Codswallop is an informal term used in the Victorian era to describe nonsense or foolish talk.

  1. Which Victorian era word means “baggage or obstacles that slow someone down”?
    • Debonair
    • Impedimenta
    • Alewife
    • Commodious
    The correct answer is “impedimenta”.
    Impedimenta is a Latin word which refers to the baggage or obstacles that slow someone down during the Victorian era.
  2. Which Victorian era word means “to beg or plead urgently”?
    • Celerity
    • Galvanize
    • Implore
    • Dapper
    The correct answer is “implore”.
    Implore means to beg or plead in an urgent and desperate manner, often with the intention of gaining sympathy or assistance.
  3. Which Victorian era word means “complete or utter”?
    • Dapper
    • Arrant
    • Poppycock
    • Dauntless
    The correct answer is “arrant”.
    Arrant is an archaic term from the Victorian era meaning “complete or utter”. It is used to emphasize the degree or intensity of a situation or emotion.
  4. Which Victorian era word means “a sign or indication of something to come”?
    • Credulity
    • Harbinger
    • Hark
    • Deference
    The correct answer is “harbinger”.
    A harbinger is a warning or portent of things to come, typically of something unpleasant.
  5. Which Victorian era word means “happy or cheerful”?
    • Blithe
    • Expostulate
    • Doth
    • Inscrutable
    The correct answer is “blithe”.
    Blithe is an adjective used to describe someone who is carefree, lighthearted, and content, often with a hint of cheerfulness.
  6. Which Victorian era word means “washing or cleansing of the body”?
    • Whippersnapper
    • Ablutions
    • Efficacious
    • Disparate
    The correct answer is “ablutions”.
    Ablutions refer to the ritual cleansing of the body, often with water, as was practiced during the Victorian era.
Reveal Answers 1 To 10
  1. Which Victorian era word means “dishonest or deceitful behavior”?
    • Skullduggery
    • Insolent
    • Alack
    • Gesticulate
    The correct answer is “skullduggery”.
    Skullduggery is a term used to describe deceitful or dishonest behavior, usually involving trickery or underhandedness.
  2. Which Victorian era word means “delicate, light or filmy”?
    • Gossamer
    • Bandy
    • Humbug
    • Disconsolate
    The correct answer is “gossamer”.
    Gossamer is a delicate, light or filmy fabric or material, often made from fine silk or cotton thread. It is commonly used in clothing and decorations, and is known for its sheer, almost ethereal quality.
  3. Which Victorian era word means “an expression of regret or disappointment”?
    • Debonair
    • Alack
    • Skullduggery
    • Hornswoggle
    The correct answer is “alack”.
    Alack is an interjection used to express regret or disappointment, often with a hint of resignation, that was popularized during the Victorian era.
  4. Which Victorian era word means “to avoid or shun”?
    • Bawdy
    • Fiddlesticks
    • Eschew
    • Assiduous
    The correct answer is “eschew”.
    Eschew is an old-fashioned term which means to deliberately avoid or abstain from something. It is often used to describe a conscious decision to stay away from something that may be considered undesirable.

  1. Which Victorian era word means “ridicule or mockery”?
    • Apothecary
    • Gregarious
    • Derision
    • Aught
    The correct answer is “derision”.
    Derision is a feeling of contempt or scorn for someone or something, expressed through mocking or mocking ridicule.
  2. Which Victorian era word means “overly dramatic or theatrical”?
    • Fopdoodle
    • Poppycock
    • Cumbrous
    • Histrionic
    The correct answer is “histrionic”.
    Histrionic is a word from the Victorian era which describes a person who is overly dramatic or theatrical in their behavior, often to gain attention.
  3. Which Victorian era word means “heavy or awkward”?
    • Genteel
    • Cumbrous
    • Ere
    • Histrionic
    The correct answer is “cumbrous”.
    Cumbrous means having a large, bulky, and often awkward shape or size, making it difficult to move or handle.
  4. Which Victorian era word means “diligent or hardworking”?
    • Assiduous
    • Ablutions
    • Erroneous
    • Jocular
    The correct answer is “assiduous”.
    Assiduous means applying oneself diligently and persistently to an activity or task. It is often used to describe someone who works hard and is very dedicated to their work.
  5. Which Victorian era word means “to stimulate or excite into action”?
    • Efficacious
    • Galvanize
    • Artifice
    • Intrepid
    The correct answer is “galvanize”.
    Galvanize means to stimulate or excite into action, usually by the use of an electric shock, but can also be figuratively used to mean to energize or motivate.
  1. Which Victorian era word means “sad or unhappy”?
    • Gossamer
    • Disconsolate
    • Grandiloquent
    • Derision
    The correct answer is “disconsolate”.
    Disconsolate is an adjective that describes a feeling of extreme sadness or despair, often caused by a great loss or disappointment.
Reveal Answers 11 To 20

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  1. Which Victorian era word means “swiftness or speed”?
    • Fiddle-faddle
    • Implore
    • Celerity
    • Jocular
    The correct answer is “celerity”.
    Celerity is a Victorian era word that means swiftness or speed, referring to the ability to move quickly and efficiently.
  2. Which Victorian era word means “silly or unimportant”?
    • Ablutions
    • Egregious
    • Frivolous
    • Eloquence
    The correct answer is “frivolous”.
    Frivolous refers to something that is unimportant or silly, lacking any true value or seriousness.
  3. Which Victorian era word means “a noisy or chaotic situation or disturbance”?
    • Inculcate
    • Brouhaha
    • Gregarious
    • Insipid
    The correct answer is “brouhaha”.
    Brouhaha is a French word used in the Victorian era to describe a noisy or chaotic situation or disturbance, usually caused by a large group of people.
  4. Which Victorian era word means “mistaken or incorrect”?
    • Frivolous
    • Erroneous
    • Flapdoodle
    • Harangue
    The correct answer is “erroneous”.
    Erroneous means incorrect or wrong, usually as a result of an error or mistake.

  1. Which Victorian era word means “refined, polite or well-bred”?
    • Genteel
    • Higgledy-piggledy
    • Droll
    • Fortitude
    The correct answer is “genteel”.
    Genteel is an adjective describing someone as having an elegant and refined manner, typically associated with the Victorian era.
  2. Which Victorian era word means “does”?
    • Doth
    • Higgledy-piggledy
    • Impedimenta
    • Gesticulate
    The correct answer is “doth”.
    Doth is a form of the verb “do” and is used to indicate something is being done or is happening. It was commonly used in the Victorian era, especially in literature.
  3. Which Victorian era word means “to listen attentively”?
    • Demure
    • Assiduous
    • Hark
    • Debonair
    The correct answer is “hark”.
    Hark is a Victorian era word meaning to listen attentively, typically used to indicate that someone should pay attention to what is being said.
  4. Which Victorian era word means “impulsive or hasty”?
    • Impetuous
    • Codswallop
    • Ignominy
    • Fortitude
    The correct answer is “impetuous”.
    Impetuous means acting or done quickly and without thought or care, often with a disregard for consequences.
  5. Which Victorian era word means “to make gestures while speaking”?
    • Cravat
    • Codswallop
    • Gesticulate
    • Doth
    The correct answer is “gesticulate”.
    Gesticulate means to use hand and body movements to emphasize or help express a thought or feeling while speaking.
  6. Which Victorian era word means “public shame or disgrace”?
    • Ignominy
    • Harbinger
    • Comportment
    • Intrepid
    The correct answer is “ignominy”.
    Ignominy is a strong feeling of embarrassment and disgrace that is brought upon someone due to public humiliation or disapproval.
Reveal Answers 21 To 30

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